Tuesday 16 August 2016

I thought I would post a slightly more positive post, as tonight I ran 4x400m, with the first at 3:15/km pace, the second and third at 3:00/km pace, and the last rep at 2:45/km pace.

The following video is at 02:45/km pace, and much better form than the 2:15/km pace, in the last post, from 3 days ago.

In this video, I've frozen the video for 2 seconds at the point of landing fully (foot fully loaded).

I think that the landing is better.  The hips are certainly collapsing less.  And the torso is not bent.

And somehow, the leading leg seems to advance under the body at a nice angle, but then straighten up too much before landing.  Perhaps some strides might help with that??

I think that I could still land a little later, but this is only my third session at this pace, so I have time and room to improve yet.


Thanks for reading :)


  1. Looks great and, more importantly, very enjoyable, David. And a fine evening and location for it! That is impressive progress to be able to hold the form at that pace (66 secs per lap, if my sums are right?). My own threshold of technique failure is way slower, but steadily moving in the right direction. I got some good pointers last night at the track by watching the sprint group train. 90% technique work, 10% sprinting. Hope we can get out for a run together to compare notes.

    Happy running!

    1. Thanks as always, Adrian! I like your terminology "threshold of failure". Everybody has that Threshold of Failure - remember the break down of Gatlins form, just when he was about to beat Bolt at the Beijing World Champs in 2015?? I also heard that Farah concentrates harder and harder on running form, the more tired he gets in the latter stages of a race. I think the most important thing is, like Keith says, never knowingly train with bad form at whatever pace (probably when too tired or going too fast). OK, so I know that I misbehaved last Saturday, but I now think of it like eating a donut on an otherwise unblemished path to low sugar low carb nutrition!! (I did that about 3 weeks ago!) (Don't tell anyone). We MUST run together again soon...

  2. Always great to see your progress :-) just some more refining to do - I strongly suggest some barefoot for the greatest precision. Also can you get some video not on a bend - the right leg landing is different to the left and the shoulders aren't straight ahead. Looking dangerously good though :-)

  3. Thanks Keith this really is much appreciated. I have been neglecting my drills, until 10 days ago. I probably went 8 weeks without performing the "Keith's Game Changer". I did the frill 3 times last week, but with shoes on. I'll make changes...!

    1. Just watched your latest video 24th Aug. Really starting to look good now. The faster sequences were definitely better. Noted the slight arm cross over and shoulder movement in slowest one. I try to be as smooth as possible at slow speeds too as i think that helps to train myself. I am 100% certain it is now just time before those landings are spot on and you'll start to get a good return of elastic energy which will considerably increase stride length and speed. At the moment you are landing a hair's breath leaning back. Try some Barefoot on smooth hard surface for better feel/more precision. It really helps to refine the skills. Looking great though. Notice how the toes and heels land simultaneously - same for everyone who gets this good.

  4. Looking forward to calling in to see how it's going - late June :-)

  5. That's a great reminder about the drills. I have incorporated a couple of drills (including Keith's Game Changer) into my warm-up routine but I have neglected the barefoot work.

    David, for the next video you are going to have to borrow a pair of Martin Yelling's Monaco budgie smugglers - you know, the white ones with the belt and gold buckle...
